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    Data backup is commonly understood as saving copies of files in various locations. Most organisations use a combination of hard drives and company servers in securing their documents. Records are believed to be safe if they are stored in these.

    Hard drives and company servers are not always reliable. Flash drives can get corrupted or lost. Databases can have downtime or be hacked. Employees can accidentally delete important records. Given these scenarios, it is important that companies invest in a cloud backup solution. It is flexible, low-maintenance, cost-effective, and dependable. When used properly, it will effectively safeguard your data.

    Within this article, we will discuss the truth behind cloud backups and the benefits it offers such as:

    Australia’s cybercrime rate accelerated by 84% between 2021 and 2022. Don’t be the next victim—adopt the “3-2-1” backup strategy.

    Completely Tailored to Your Needs

    Providers offer plans that meet your backup specifications. You will only pay for the services that you use and can upgrade as your necessities expand. Whether you are running a small charity or a large manufacturing company, you will find a package that will protect your files when disaster strikes.

    Automatic Updates

    Hard drives and company servers often require manual upgrades. These are costly and time-consuming. You might need to cancel your activities just so the provider can renew your existing system. You end up spending on technical repairs and losing income due to stalled delivery of goods and services.

    Updating your backup solution may also require discarding old equipment for newer versions. What if your previous machinery contains files that are no longer compatible with modern ones? The transition can lead to data loss.  

    A cloud backup, on the other hand, instantly maintains itself. It regularly updates its systems, preserving your documents and allowing you to focus on your business. You no longer have to close your office for updates, saving you time and money.

    Lower Costs

    Since cloud storage is internet-based, you do not have to buy additional hardware or software. Neither do you need to spend on on-site repairs and equipment replacements. The amount you save on these can be used on improving your organisation’s products and services, boosting its growth.

    Reliable Support

    Cloud providers can give 24/7 support. You will receive assistance across locations and time zones. Phone, email, or video call—you can easily contact them using your preferred medium. Your operations will not be interrupted by system downtimes and device restorations. Institutional efficiency and productivity are maintained.

    Now that we have identified the benefits of cloud backup, we will discuss our three-tier approach to information safety. This tactic will enhance the effectiveness of your storage program.

    A Three-Tier Approach to Information Security

    Storing your data on a server is helpful, but you cannot rely on it alone. The “3-2-1” backup strategy is a better way to keep your data intact. This plan involves storing a copy of your files in three places, on two different types of storage and keeping one off-site repository.

    For instance, you are a tax accountant who wants to safeguard client tax return information. Scanning the documents and saving a copy to a local storage repository. This first copy will come in handy when you need to calculate their total taxes for the incoming fiscal year.

    To obtain a second replica, you could keep a copy in a local backup appliance. Doing so will provide you with a backup if ever your primary location ever has issues.

    Place your third reproduction in cloud-based storage. This duplicate will be useful if ever your first two sources are unavailable due to loss, system downtime, and calamities like floods, fires, and earthquakes.

    Protection at All Times and Levels

    Cybercrime in Australia is rising sharply. From 2021 to 2022, online scams in the country grew by 84%. According to the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), in the previous fiscal year, the nation experienced 95 critical invasions.

    Regardless of the victim, an internet intrusion has serious consequences. For a small company, it can lead to closure due to hacked bank accounts or loss of customer confidence. The employees will be unemployed and unable to support themselves and their families.

    In the case of a critical invasion of an accounting firm, sensitive data such as clients’ personal and financial information can be compromised. They can file a lawsuit against the firm, causing it to close and leave its staff out of work.

    Greater vigilance against hackers is necessary. Offline and cloud data backup allows you to recover your files if the unthinkable occurs. Your operations will resume faster, making your organisation more resilient.    

    Truth Behind Cloud Backups - Inner Image 1

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